Acroyoga retreat
AcroYoga retreat in a super cozy farmhouse in the East of the Czech Republic. 1. – 3.11. 2024
About retreat(english version bellow)
Tento retreat není jen o cvičení, je to skutečný zážitek. A opravdu hodně si odnesete. Velký důraz je kladen samozřejmě na akrojógu a osvojení si správné techniky. Kromě toho bude víkend obohacen o cvičení a techniky které se vám hodí v osobním životě. Budeme čerpat z tantra terapie, vědomých vztahů a seberozvojových praktik.
V Akrojógové části budeme rozvíjet partnerskou spolupráci. Budeme pracovat na jednodušších i složitějších prvcích a přechodech na zemi i ve stoje. Budeme rozvíjet sílu i flexfibilitu. Chceme vám předat kvalitní základy na kterých se vám bude dobře a smysluplně stavět. Klíčovým faktorem partnerské akrobacie a akrojógy je partnerská souhra a schopnost naslouchat a vnímat druhého. Zaměříme se na pochopení a rozvoji tohoto principu. Do vaší další praxe to přinese větší kvalitu a mnohem rychlejší progres.
Tentokrát pro vás a chceme zařadit i seberozvojové hry a aktivity inspirované tantra terapií
Více o místě pobytu na:
8:00- 9:15 -warm-up, stretching, handstands
10:30 – 13:00 – handstands/acro
16:30 – 19:00 – acro, tématický blok
20:30 – 22:00 /23:00/ – bodywork, terapie
Daniela Dušková & Marek Cinko & Adam Nemčík
Filip & Kateřina
Místo: statek Lozice, Lozice 32, okres Chrudim
Early bird cena platí do 30.4.2024
An extended retreat weekend with acroyoga, handstands and therapy is intended for everyone who loves movement and wants to experience unforgettable moments. The weekend is intense, but we work progressively on all aspects that are important for acroyoga, handstands and bodywork. Of course, we focus on pair movement but also on the development of one’s own movement skills.
This retreat is not just about exercise, it is a real experience. And you really get a lot out of it. Of course, great emphasis is placed on acroyoga and learning the right technique. In addition, the weekend will be enriched with exercises and techniques that are useful in your personal life. We will include practises based on tantra therapy, conscious relationships and self-development.
You will learn a lot of new things and thoroughly enjoy the event.
In the Acroyoga part, we will develop partnership cooperation. We will work on simpler and more complex elements and transitions on the ground and while standing. We will develop strength and flexibility. We want to give you quality foundations on which you will build well and meaningfully. A key factor in partner acrobatics and acroyoga is partner interplay and the ability to listen and perceive the other. We will focus on understanding and developing this principle. It will bring more quality and much faster progress to your further practice
Handstands are a wonderful and complex exercise that strengthens, straightens and stretches the entire body. Anyone can start with them. There is no age, strength or experience limitation. It is a beautiful, fun and fulfilling journey.
Bodywork/therapy is an integral part of solo and partner exercises. It cultivates touch, soothes, teaches us to listen. We all deserve therapy. We will be inspired mainly by Thai massage but also by other techniques. You will learn elements and a few sequences that will do you good.
This weekend is for beginners to intermediates.
The weekend takes place on an eco-farm, in a beautiful, sensitively renovated farmhouse in Lozice in the Chrudim region. A bright, spacious hall with a wooden floor is available for practice.¨Stylish accommodation: two large bedrooms, one private room and a garden house – each with a bathroom, originally designed, expecting ecological principles.
You can look forward to vegetarian organic food from local sources, handmade cheese and freshly baked bread… and above all to lots of acroyoga, beneficial massages and fun!
More about the place of residence at:
Model program:
8:00- 9:15 – warm-up, stretching, handstands
10:30 – 13:00 – handstands/acro
16:30 – 19:00 – acro, thematic block
20:30 – 22:00 /23:00/ – bodywork, therapy
Free time will be filled with food, a visit to a pastry shop, photography, games and other activities
Daniela Dusková & Marek Cinko & Adam Nemcik, Bohdan & Peta
Bohdan and Peta – a phenomenal top-level duo – flawlessly master standing Akro and constantly work on each other.
Daniela Duskova – one of the first certified acroyoga instructors in the Czech Republic with many years of experience. She mainly specializes in fundamentals for beginners. Her other domain is therapy and massages of all kinds.
Marek Cinko – a legend in his own right, an artist, a handstandist – a long-time acroyogy and, above all, a source of immortal jokes.
Adam Nemcik – biohacker, strongman, functional training, overcoming limits. Adam is a great addition to our team.
Date: 1. – 3.11. 2024
Location: Lozice farm, Lozice 32, Chrudim district
Meals: vegetarian / full board
Price: Early bird 5200 CZK, full price 5500 CZK. The price includes accommodation, meals and many hours of a great program.
Early bird price is valid until 30.9.2024
Transport: on your own axis, we always start on Friday with a lesson at 4:30 pm and end on Sunday around 3:00 pm
Registration: by e-mail:
Payment: pay a deposit of CZK 3,000 to account 2400299127/2010, VS: 131124, enter your name and e-mail in the note. The rest of the amount wil be paid in cash before the retreat.
FB event:
Retreaty se vypisují průběžně. Nové datum a místo konání je vždy uveřejněno dopředu.
Popis retreatu je více méně stejný. Pokud máte dotazy, neváhejte mě kontaktovat.